Hey there! I'm Alefiya Nomanbhoy, and let me tell you, PositiveLinks.net is more than just a mental health support service – it's been a vibrant adventure that's taken me on an incredible journey of growth and inspiration!

Blast from the Past: The Birth of PositiveLinks.net

Back in 1999, I unleashed the awesomeness that is PositiveLinks.net into the world. But it wasn't just a launch; it was a launch with a double dose of positivity – PositiveLinks ++, to be exact! Those two pluses symbolized something truly special: forging connections within ourselves and with our surroundings. I'm talking about linking up with the people and environments that make our lives richer and more exciting.

Unleashing Potential: From Kids to Grown-Ups

My mission back then was all about unlocking the incredible potential within children, parents, and schools. Armed with a Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Learning Disabilities, I dove headfirst into the world of helping students struggling in school. I was like a superhero for education, providing personalized interventions and hosting workshops for schools and parents alike.

A Twist in the Tale: From Learning Disabilities to Clinical Psychology

But wait, there's a twist in this tale! As my journey with PositiveLinks.net continued, I felt the pull of missing puzzle pieces. To level up both for my clients and myself, I set off on an exhilarating adventure into the realm of Clinical Psychology. A Master's degree from James Cook University was my ticket to understanding minds and hearts even better. It might sound a little unconventional – going for a Ph.D. first and a Master's later – but trust me, it's been a game-changer.

Science to Soul-Search: Unveiling the Catalyst for Change

Believe it or not, my roots were firmly planted in the world of Sciences. I was a Biochemistry champion with a Bachelor's from Mt Holyoke College, and I even dabbled in Molecular Biology during my grad days. But then, as fate would have it, I made the daring switch to psychology. You might wonder what prompted this radical transformation. Well, it's all about passions, soul-searching, and pushing boundaries beyond the ordinary.

The Superpower Connection: Science Meets Psychology

Guess what? My science background isn't just a quirky footnote; it's a secret superpower that's helped me make a difference in the lives of countless clients dealing with ADHD and autism. The fusion of science and psychology has been my unique formula for success!

Empowering Minds: A Thrilling Ride with Education

Throughout my early journey, one thing has been a constant: my passion for empowering schools through dynamic teacher training. For four exhilarating years, I was a force to be reckoned with at the National Institute of Education (NTU/Singapore). And more recently, I was on an adventure with the School of Education at the University of Nottingham's Malaysia Campus. Teaching the teachers and uplifting young minds – it's been a ride!

From Kids to Grown-Up Challengers: The Evolution Continues

Here's the thrilling part: As my journey led me to colleges and universities, I've stayed connected with those once-kids-now-adults who are still navigating life's challenges. It's like a circle of growth and inspiration that keeps on giving. And guess what? PositiveLinks.net isn't slowing down; we're gearing up for the next phase!

Unleashing the Future: Supporting Grown-Up Dreams

The adventure isn't over; in fact, it's just beginning its next leg. Brace yourself for PositiveLinks.net's new mission: helping university students and adults stride confidently along their journeys. It's all about embracing dreams, conquering challenges, and making the most out of every exciting twist and turn.

So, there you have it – the thrilling, inspiring, and absolutely incredible journey of Alefiya Nomanbhoy and PositiveLinks.net. Let's keep the excitement alive and journey onward, together! 🚀🌟

My journey with PositiveLinks.net has been fantastic in helping me GO beyond and Choose to BE me. I hope that your journey with PositiveLinks.net will be as rewarding.